Friday, 14 June 2013

Platinum Blonde Hair

Platinum Blonde Hair

Platinum blonde hair has been one of the most sought-after looks through the ages. If you're thinking of trying it out, find out how to get your blondest locks from hair colorist to the stars Michael. It can take a few steps to get just the right look, and your natural color impacts how easily you, too, can try the platinum look.

Level 10, or platinum blonde hair is widely coveted, but it can be hard to achieve. Often, hairdressers will tell you not to go platinum blonde at home, and normally, they're right, but if you're up to take a risk, you can give it a shot within the safety of your own home. My recommendation? Keep a demi permanent color of a shade you know will flatter you, nearby, preferably one with beige tones or ash tones just in case the platinum process turns you horridly orange.

If your hair is dyed, or darker than blonde naturally- This is going to be a little harder. If your hair is not dyed, but it's darker than medium blonde, things are going to get tricky. For one, you're going to need bleach. Don't be afraid of bleach, though--it's possible to use bleach without killing your hair. However, since bleach is damaging, consider using a protein treatment, like Joico K-pak, after the bleaching process, to keep your hair from getting damaged (Hint: if your hair is "gummy" or feels sticky, then it really needs protein).

When the hair is bleached, it goes through several different stages of lightening--first it will be red, then orange, then yellow, then white. You're going to want to get it as close to the "white" stage as it will go, but make sure to check frequently for damage. If you're afraid taking it to "white" will be too damaging, then go as light as you can, do a protein and deep moisture treatment, and then start all over again the next day (a head scarf might come in handy!)

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